Searchbox image

SearchBox creates a search box UI component that is connected to one or more database fields. A SearchBox queries the backend with query type suggestion to render different kind of suggestions, read more about the suggestion query type here.

Example uses:

  • Searching for a rental listing by its name or description field.
  • Creating an e-commerce search box for finding products by their listing properties.
  • Creating a product catalog search based on different categories.


Basic Usage

    dataField={['group_venue', 'group_city']} 

Usage With All Props

                "field": "group_venue",
                "weight": 1
                "field": "group_city",
                "weight": 3
        vectorDataField="vector_data" # Only one of dataField or vectorDataField is needed
        mode="tag" // accepts either of 'select' or 'tag', defaults to 'select'
        placeholder="Search for cities or venues"
            and: ['CategoryFilter', 'SearchFilter'],
        filterLabel="Venue filter"
            size: 3, 
            minHits: 2, 
            minChars: 4,
            index: "" // optional index value to fetch recentsuggestions related to
            size: 3, 
            minChars: 4, 
            index: "" // optional index value to fetch recentsuggestions related to
        onData = {({
        }) =>{
                // do something with the updated properties
            return <span>{suggestion.label}</span> // custom render every suggestion item in dropdown
        renderNoSuggestion="No suggestions found"
            url:"", //mandatory
                // relevant headers
            method: 'POST'



Type Optional
String No

unique identifier of the component, can be referenced in other components' react prop.


Type Optional
String Yes

Configure whether the DSL query is generated with the compound clause of must or filter. If nothing is passed the default is to use must. Setting the compound clause to filter allows search engine to cache and allows for higher throughput in cases where scoring isn’t relevant (e.g. term, geo or range type of queries that act as filters on the data)

This property only has an effect when the search engine is either elasticsearch or opensearch.

Note: compoundClause is supported with v8.16.0 (server) as well as with serverless search.


Type Optional
Object Yes

endpoint prop provides the ability to query a user-defined backend service for this component, overriding the data endpoint configured in the ReactiveBase component. Accepts the following properties:

  • url String [Required] URL where the data cluster is hosted.
  • headers Object [optional]
    set custom headers to be sent with each server request as key/value pairs.
  • method String [optional]
    set method of the API request.
  • body Object [optional]
    request body of the API request. When body isn't set and method is POST, the request body is set based on the component's configured props.
  • Overrides the endpoint property defined in ReactiveBase.
  • If required, use transformResponse prop to transform response in component-consumable format.


Type Optional
String Yes

SearchBox component offers two modes of usage, select & tag. When mode is set to tag SearchBox allows selecting multiple suggestions. Defaults to select.

    // ... other props


Type Optional
string | Array<string | DataField*> No

index field(s) to be connected to the component’s UI view. SearchBox accepts an Array in addition to string, which is useful for searching across multiple fields with or without field weights.
Field weights allow weighted search for the index fields. A higher number implies a higher relevance weight for the corresponding field in the search results.
You can define the dataField property as an array of objects of the DataField type to set the field weights.
The DataField type has the following shape:

type DataField = {
    field: string;
    weight: number;

database field(s) to be queried against. Accepts an Array in addition to String, useful for applying search across multiple fields. Check examples at here.


Type Optional
String Yes

vector data field to query for retrieving hits for the component's UI view. This is used when applying kNN search. Introduced in v3.4.0.


Type Optional
Number Yes

number of suggestions to show. Defaults to 10.


Type Optional
Number Yes

number of candidate values (aka k) to retrieve for kNN search. This is used with kNN search for populating the suggestions view.


Type Optional
String Yes

One of the most important use-cases this enables is showing DISTINCT results (useful when you are dealing with sessions, events and logs type data). It utilizes composite aggregations which are newly introduced in ES v6 and offer vast performance benefits over a traditional terms aggregation. You can read more about it over here. You can access aggregationData using render prop as shown:

    render={({aggregationData}) => {...}}

If you are using an app with elastic search version less than 6, than defining this prop will result in error and you need to handle it manually using renderError prop.

It is possible to override this query by providing defaultQuery or customQuery.

Note: This prop has been marked as deprecated starting v3.18.0. Please use the distinctField prop instead.


To set the number of buckets to be returned by aggregations.

Note: This is a new feature and only available for appbase versions >= 7.41.0.


Type Optional
String Yes

Set the path of the nested type under which the dataField is present. Only applicable only when the field(s) specified in the dataField is(are) present under a nested type mapping.


Type Optional
String or JSX Yes

set the title of the component to be shown in the UI.


Type Optional
String or Array<String> Yes

set the initial search query text on mount.

Data type is Array when mode prop is set to tag.


Type Optional
String or Array<String> Yes

sets the current value of the component. It sets the search query text (on mount and on update). Use this prop in conjunction with the onChange prop.

Data type is Array when mode prop is set to tag.


Type Optional
bool Yes

Defaults to true, can be used to disable/enable the synonyms behavior for the search query. Read more about it here


Type Optional
Boolean Yes

Defaults to true. When set to false, index suggestions are not returned from the backend.


Type Optional
Object Yes

Specify additional options for fetching featured suggestions.

It can accept the following keys:


Type Optional
string Yes

custom html markup for section title.


Type Optional
number Yes

Maximum number of index suggestions to return. Defaults to 5.


Type Optional
string Yes

Index(es) from which to return the index suggestions from. Defaults to the entire cluster.

            sectionLabel: '<h3>Index suggestions</h3>',
            size: 5,
            index: "good-books-ds",  // further restrict the index to search on


Type Optional
bool Yes
Defaults to `false`. When set to `true`, popular searches are returned as suggestions as per the popular suggestions config (either defaults, or as set through `popularSuggestionsConfig` or via Popular Suggestions settings in the control plane). Read more about it over [here](/docs/analytics/popular-recent-suggestions/).


Type Optional
Object Yes

Specify additional options for fetching popular suggestions. It can accept the following keys:

  • size: number Maximum number of popular suggestions to return. Defaults to 5.
  • minCount: number Return only popular suggestions that have been searched at least minCount times. There is no default minimum count-based restriction.
  • minChars: number Return only popular suggestions that have minimum characters, as set in this property. There is no default minimum character-based restriction.
  • showGlobal: Boolean Defaults to true. When set to false, returns popular suggestions only based on the current user's past searches.
  • index: string Index(es) from which to return the popular suggestions from. Defaults to the entire cluster.
  • sectionLabel: string custom html markup for section title.

            size: 5,
            minCount: 5,
            minChars: 3,
            showGlobal: false,
            index: "good-books-ds",  // further restrict the index to search on
            sectionLabel: '<h3>Popular suggestions</h3>'


Type Optional
Boolean Yes

Defaults to false. When set to true, recent searches are returned as suggestions as per the recent suggestions config (either defaults, or as set through recentSuggestionsConfig or via Recent Suggestions settings in the control plane).

Note: Please note that this feature only works when recordAnalytics is set to true in reactivesearchAPIConfig.


Type Optional
Object Yes

Specify additional options for fetching recent suggestions.

It can accept the following keys:

  • size: number Maximum number of recent suggestions to return. Defaults to 5.
  • minHits: number Return only recent searches that returned at least minHits results. There is no default minimum hits-based restriction.
  • minChars: number Return only recent suggestions that have minimum characters, as set in this property. There is no default minimum character-based restriction.
  • index: string Index(es) from which to return the recent suggestions from. Defaults to the entire cluster.
  • sectionLabel: string custom html markup for section title.

            size: 5,
            minHits: 5,
            minChars: 3,
            index: "good-books-ds",  // further restrict the index to search on
            sectionLabel: '<h3>Index suggestions</h3>' 


Type Optional
bool Yes

Defaults to false. When set to true, show frequently asked user questions as configured via the ReactiveSearch dashboard. When this property is set as true, searchboxId is required to be passed.


Type Optional
bool Yes

Defaults to false. When set to true, featured suggestions are returned as suggestions as per the featured suggestions config (either defaults, or as set through featuredSuggestionsConfig or via Featured Suggestions settings in the control plane). Read more about it over here.

Featured suggestions allow creating autocomplete experiences with user-defined suggestions. They're specified using the Featured Suggestions API, introduced in 8.1.0. This is a beta API and subject to change.


Defaults to false. When set to true, show user’s recently accessed documents as suggestions. Using this requires setting of recently accessed documents (doc link).

When setting this prop, configure renderItem to render the document.


Type Optional
String Yes

When featured suggestions are enabled, set the value of the searchboxId to use for fetching them. This is configurable via ReactiveSearch dashboard and the following API endpoint.


Type Optional
Object Yes

Specify additional options for fetching FAQ suggestions.

It can accept the following keys:

  • sectionLabel: string Label of the division under which all FAQ suggestions are shown
  • size: number maximum number of FAQ suggestions to be fetched per section

          size: 2,
          sectionLabel: '❓ FAQ Suggestions'


Type Optional
Object Yes

Specify additional options for fetching featured suggestions.

It can accept the following keys:

  • maxSuggestionsPerSection: number maximum number of featured suggestions fetched per section.
  • sectionsOrder: Array<String> accepts an array of section id(s). The order in which section id(s) are defined in the array describes the order in which the sections appear in the UI.

            maxSuggestionsPerSection: 10,    
            sectionsOrder: ['document', 'pages', 'help'], 


Type Optional
Object Yes

Specify additional options for fetching recent document suggestions.

It can accept the following keys:

  • sectionLabel: string | JSX Label of the division under which all document suggestions are shown
  • size: number maximum number of document suggestions to be fetched per section
  • from: number offset of the document suggestions, this enables paginating to show more suggestions on a scroll behavior. This requires controled usage to modify
  • maxChars: number maximum number of characters in the search input for which document suggestions get returned. If the input length exceeds this value, then document suggestions will not be returned. Defaults to 6


Type Optional
Boolean Yes

Defaults to false. When set to true, it predicts the next relevant words from a field's value based on the search query typed by the user. When set to false (default), the matching document field's value would be displayed.


Type Optional
Object Yes

allow passing props directly to the underlying Downshift component. You can read more about Downshift props here.

fieldWeights [deprecated]

Type Optional
Array Yes

set the search weight for the database fields, useful when dataField is an Array of more than one field. This prop accepts an array of numbers. A higher number implies a higher relevance weight for the corresponding field in the search results.

Note: The fieldWeights property has been marked as deprecated in v3.21.0 of ReactiveSearch and v7.47.0 of Appbase and would be removed in the next major release. We recommend you to use the dataField property to define the weights.


Type Optional
String Yes

set placeholder text to be shown in the component's input field. Defaults to "Search".


Type Optional
String Yes

set the searchbox input field type attribute.


Type Optional
Boolean Yes

whether to display a search or custom icon in the input box. Defaults to true.


Type Optional
String Yes

sets the position of the search icon. Can be set to either left or right. Defaults to right.


Type Optional

set a custom search icon instead of the default 🔍 . Takes precedence over iconURL prop.


Type Optional
string Yes

Customize search icon by providing a URL.


Type Optional
Boolean Yes

show a clear text X icon. Defaults to false.


Type Optional

allows setting a custom icon for clearing text instead of the default cross.


Type Optional
Boolean Yes

set whether the autosuggest functionality should be enabled or disabled. Defaults to true.


Type Optional
Boolean Yes

enables the ability to ask questions with SearchBox and display AI generated answers from within SearchBox component itself. Defaults to false.


Type Optional
Object Yes

Specify additional options for configuring the LLM context + prompt for AI answer.

Accepts the following properties:

  • systemPrompt String [optional] The system prompt to send as the first message to ChatGPT. Defaults to You are a helpful assistant.
  • docTemplate String [optional] Template to use for building the message sent to ChatGPT for every hit of the response. The docTemplate string supports dynamic values using the special syntax ${}. These values are resolved while the ChatGPT request body is built. It supports keys that are present in the _source field in the response hits. As an example, source.title will resolve to _source.title. If values are not found, defaults to an empty string.
  • queryTemplate String [optional] Template to use for building the message that is sent to ChatGPT as the final question. Defaults to Can you tell me about ${value} where value is the query.value. The querytemplate string supports a dynamic value of value which is the query.value of the query.
  • topDocsForContext number [optional] Number of docs to use to build the context. Defaults to 3. This has an upper limit as the total number of hits returned.
  • maxTokens number [optional] The maximum tokens that can be used for the output. Deafults to being dynamically calculated. Accepts a value between [1, 8000].
  • temperatue number [optional] A control for randomness, a lower value implies a more deterministic output. Defaults to 1, valid values are between [0, 2].


Type Optional
Object Yes

Specify additional options for configruing AI screen.

Accepts the following properties:

  • showFeedback Boolean [optional] Toggles displaying the feedback UI component to record AI session's feedback. Defaults to true.

    Use in conjunction with reactivesearchAPIConfig.recordAnalytics set to true in ReactiveBase.

  • loaderMessage String | JSX [optional] Loading message to show when the AI Answer response is loading. The default value is: Computing an answer from the top documents...

  • showSourceDocuments Boolean [optional] Whether to show the documents from which the AIAnswer is generated or not. Defaults to true.

  • renderSourceDocument Function [optional] Render a custom label by returning string or JSx. Default label is rendered as the resolved value of _id when showSourceDocument is set to true.

                showSourceDocuments: true,
                renderSourceDocument: (obj) => {
                    return (
                        <span>❤️ {obj.original_title}
  • onSourceClick Function [optional] callback to handle side-effects when a source button is clicked. Accepts a sourceObj param associated with the source button clicked.

  • askButton Boolean [optional] When set to true, the AI answer action and the corresponding display of AIAnswer would be triggered when user presses the Ask button. Defaults to false. You can provide styles with ask-button key for the innerClass prop.

  • renderAskButton number [optional] renders a custom jsx markup for the enter button. Use in conjunction with askButton prop set to true.

            askButton: true,
            renderAskButton: function (clickHandler){
                return (
                            height: '100%',
                            display: 'flex',
                            alignItems: 'stretch',
                        <button style={{ border: '1px solid #c3c3c3' }} onClick={clickHandler}>
                            🔍 Ask!
  • triggerOn string [optional] sets the trigger for fetching the AI answer. Defaults to manual, Accepts one of the following three:

    • manual - AI answer is shown when triggered using the askButton or clicking the first suggestion item(renderTriggerMessage).
    • question - AI answer is shown when the user searches for a question.
  • renderTriggerMessage String | JSX [optional]
    custom markup to display as the first suggestion in the dropdown to trigger the AI answer. It should be used along with enableAI set to true.


Type Optional
Boolean Yes

defaults to false. When set to true the component will only set its value and fire the query if the value was selected from the suggestion. Otherwise the value will be cleared on selection. This is only relevant with autosuggest.


Type Optional
Number Yes

set the milliseconds to wait before executing the query. Defaults to 0, i.e. no debounce.


Type Optional
Boolean Yes

whether highlighting should be enabled in the returned results.


Type Optional
String or Array Yes

when highlighting is enabled, this prop allows specifying the fields which should be returned with the matching highlights. When not specified, it defaults to applying highlights on the field(s) specified in the dataField prop.


Type Optional
Function Yes

a function which returns the custom highlight settings. It receives the props and expects you to return an object with the highlight key. Check out the technews demo where the SearchBox component uses a customHighlight as given below,

        dataField={[{field: "name", weight:3 }, {field: "", weight:1 }]}
        customHighlight={props => ({
        highlight: {
                pre_tags: ['<mark>'],
                post_tags: ['</mark>'],
                fields: {
                    text: {},
                    title: {},
                number_of_fragments: 0,


Type Optional
String Yes

Sets the query format, can be or or and. Defaults to or.

  • or returns all the results matching any of the search query text's parameters. For example, searching for "bat man" with or will return all the results matching either "bat" or "man".
  • On the other hand with and, only results matching both "bat" and "man" will be returned. It returns the results matching all of the search query text's parameters.


Type Optional
String or Number Yes

Sets a maximum edit distance on the search parameters, can be 0, 1, 2 or "AUTO". Useful for showing the correct results for an incorrect search parameter by taking the fuzziness into account. For example, with a substitution of one character, fox can become box. Read more about it in the elastic search docs.


This prop doesn't work when the value of queryFormat prop is set to and.


Type Optional
Boolean Yes

show as filter when a value is selected in a global selected filters view. Defaults to true.


Type Optional
Boolean Yes

Show 1 suggestion per document. If set to false multiple suggestions may show up for the same document as searched value might appear in multiple fields of the same document, this is true only if you have configured multiple fields in dataField prop. Defaults to true.

Example if you have showDistinctSuggestions is set to false and have following configurations

	// Your document:
		"name": "Warn",
		"address": "Washington"

	// Component:
	<SearchBox dataField={['name', 'address']} />

	// Search Query:

Then there will be 2 suggestions from the same document as we have the search term present in both the fields specified in dataField.


Note: Check the above concept in action over here.


Type Optional
Boolean Yes

show a voice icon in the searchbox to enable users to set voice input. Defaults to false.


Type Optional
Boolean Yes

Show an image icon in the searchbox to enable users to set image input. Defaults to false.

showImageSearch example


Type Optional
Object Yes

Specify additional options for configuring image search.

Accepts the following properties:

  • iconTooltip string [optional] Set a custom tooltip. Default to Search any image.
  • icon JSX [optional] set a custom search icon instead of the default camera icon. Takes precedence over iconURL prop.
  • iconURL string [optional] Customize camera icon by providing a URL.
			iconTooltip: "perform image search 📸",
			icon: <CustomIcon />, // Takes precedence over `iconURL` prop
			iconURL: "" 


Type Optional
Boolean Yes

Defaults to false. If set to true than you can use special characters in the search query to enable an advanced search behavior.
Read more about it here.


Type Optional
Boolean Yes

Defaults to false. If set to true than it allows you to create a complex search that includes wildcard characters, searches across multiple fields, and more. Read more about it here.


Type Optional
String Yes

An optional label to display for the component in the global selected filters view. This is only applicable if showFilter is enabled. Default value used here is componentId.


Type Optional
Boolean Yes

enable creating a URL query string param based on the search query text value. This is useful for sharing URLs with the component state. Defaults to false.


Type Optional
String Array Yes

fields to be excluded in the suggestion's query when autoSuggest is true.


Type Optional
String Array Yes

fields to be included in the suggestion's query when autoSuggest is true.


Type Optional
Function Yes

You can render suggestions in a custom layout by using the render prop.

It accepts an object with these properties:

  • loading: boolean indicates that the query is still in progress.
  • error: object An object containing the error info.
  • data: array An array of suggestions obtained from cobtained as a result of suggestion type query.
  • rawData object An object of raw response as-is from elasticsearch query.
  • resultStats: object An object with the following properties which can be helpful to render custom stats:
    • numberOfResults: number Total number of results found
    • time: number Time taken to find total results (in ms)
    • hidden: number Total number of hidden results found
    • promoted: number Total number of promoted results found
  • value: string current search input value i.e the search query being used to obtain suggestions.
  • downshiftProps: object provides all the control props from downshift which can be used to bind list items with click/mouse events. Read more about it here.
  • AIData: Object A wrapper object to provide access to AI screen properties. Use in conjunction with enableAI set to true. It contains the following keys:
    • question: String The current asked question.
    • answer: String Answer returned by the AI.
    • documentIds: Array<String> The documents' ids used for curating the AI answer.
    • isAILoading: Boolean Loading status for the AI response.
    • sources: Array<Object> The list of document objects corresponding to the documentIds, used for curating the AI answer.
    • showAIScreen: Boolean Boolean value to indicate when to show the AI screen.
    • AIError: Object Error returned while fetching the AI response.
            downshiftProps: { isOpen, getItemProps },
            AIData: {
            }) => {
                if (loading) {
                    return <div>Fetching Suggestions.</div>;
                if (error) {
                    return <div>Something went wrong! Error details {JSON.stringify(error)}</div>;
                return isOpen && Boolean(value.length) ? (
                        {, index) => (
                            <div key={suggestion.value} {...getItemProps({ item: suggestion })}>
                        {Boolean(value.length) && (
                            <div {...getItemProps({ item: { label: value, value: value } })}>
                                Show all results for "{value}"
                ) : null;

Or you can also use render function as children

            }) => (
                // return UI to be rendered


Type Optional
String or JSX or Function Yes

can be used to render an error message in case of any error.

    renderError={(error) => (
                Something went wrong!<br/>Error details<br/>{error}


Type Optional
String or JSX or Function Yes

can be used to render a message when there is no suggestions found.

    renderNoSuggestion={() => (
                No suggestions found


Type Optional
Function Yes

You can pass a callback function to get the instance of SpeechRecognition object, which can be used to override the default configurations.


Type Optional
String or JSX or Function Yes

can we used to render the custom mic option.
It accepts an object with the following properties:

  • handleClick: function needs to be called when the mic option is clicked.
  • status: string is a constant which can have one of these values:
    INACTIVE - mic is in inactive state i.e not listening
    STOPPED - mic has been stopped by the user
    ACTIVE - mic is listening
    DENIED - permission is not allowed

    renderMic = {({ handleClick, status }) => {
        switch(status) {
            case 'ACTIVE':
                return <img src="/active_mic.png" onClick={handleClick} />
            case 'DENIED':
            case 'STOPPED':
                return <img src="/mute_mic.png" onClick={handleClick} />
                return <img src="/inactive_mic.png" onClick={handleClick} />


Type Optional
function Yes

is a callback function which accepts component's current value as a parameter. It is called when you are using the value prop and the component's value changes. This prop is used to implement the controlled component behavior.

        onChange={(value, triggerQuery, event) => {
                () => triggerQuery(),


If you're using the controlled behavior than it's your responsibility to call the triggerQuery method to update the query i.e execute the search query and update the query results in connected components by react prop. It is not mandatory to call the triggerQuery in onChange you can also call it in other input handlers like onBlur or onKeyPress. The triggerQuery method accepts an object with isOpen property (default to false) that can be used to control the opening state of the suggestion dropdown.


Type Optional
Function Yes

You can pass a callback function to listen for the changes in suggestions. The function receives data, rawData, aggregationData, loading and error as a single parameter object.

        // ... other props ...
        onData = {({
        }) =>{
                // do something with the updated properties


Type Optional
Function Yes

You can pass a callback function that gets triggered in case of an error and provides the error object which can be used for debugging or giving feedback to the user if needed.


Type Optional

You can use a custom icon in place of the default icon for the recent search items that are shown when enableRecentSearches prop is set to true. You can also provide styles using the recent-search-icon key in the innerClass prop.

        // ... other props
            'recent-search-icon': '...',
        recentSearchesIcon={<RecentIcon />}


Type Optional

You can use a custom icon in place of the default icon for the popular searches that are shown when enablePopularSuggestions prop is set to true. You can also provide styles using the popular-search-icon key in the innerClass prop.

        // ... other props
            'popular-search-icon': '...'
        popularSearchesIcon={<PopularIcon />}


Type Optional
String Yes

This prop returns only the distinct value documents for the specified field. It is equivalent to the DISTINCT clause in SQL. It internally uses the collapse feature of Elasticsearch. You can read more about it over here.


Type Optional
Object Yes

This prop allows specifying additional options to the distinctField prop. Using the allowed DSL, one can specify how to return K distinct values (default value of K=1), sort them by a specific order, or return a second level of distinct values. distinctFieldConfig object corresponds to the inner_hits key's DSL. You can read more about it over here.

            inner_hits: {
                name: 'most_recent',
                size: 5,
                sort: [{ timestamp: 'asc' }],
            max_concurrent_group_searches: 4,


Type Optional
Function Yes

You can render each suggestion in a custom layout by using the renderItem prop.

                // custom render every suggestion item in dropdown
                return <span>{suggestion.label}</span> 

When using enableDocumentSuggestions prop, the search value on document selection will set based on the .textContent value of the markup of this section. For implementing a navigation behavior, define a onClick callback function.


Type Optional
Function Yes

You can render the AI screen content in a custom layout by using the renderAIAnswer prop.

The callback accepts an object with following keys:

  • question: String The current asked question.
  • answer: String Answer returned by the AI.
  • documentIds: Array<String> The documents' ids used for curating the AI answer.
  • loading: Boolean Loading status for the AI response.
  • sources: Array<Object> The list of document objects corresponding to the documentIds, used for curating the AI answer.
                // custom render AI screen
                return <span>...</span> 


Type Optional
Boolean Yes

When set to true, it would not predict a suggestion which starts or ends with a stopword. You can find the list of stopwords used by Appbase at here.


Type Optional
Array[String] Yes

It allows you to define a list of custom stopwords. You can also set it through Index settings in the control plane.


Type Optional
string Yes

Data field whose values are used to provide category specific suggestions.



SearchBox component supports an innerClass prop to provide styles to the sub-components of SearchBox. These are the supported keys:

  • title
  • input
  • list
  • recent-search-icon
  • popular-search-icon
  • featured-search-icon
  • section-label
  • active-suggestion-item
  • suggestion-item
  • enter-button
  • selected-tag
  • ask-button
  • ai-source-tag
  • ai-feedback

Read more about it here.


SearchBox component can be extended to:

  1. customize the look and feel with className, style,
  2. update the underlying DB query with customQuery,
  3. connect with external interfaces using beforeValueChange, onValueChange, onValueSelected and onQueryChange,
  4. specify how search suggestions should be filtered using react prop,
  • it's also possible to take control of rendering individual suggestions with renderItem prop or the entire suggestions rendering using the render prop. Check the custom suggestions recipe for more info.
  1. add the following synthetic events to the underlying input element:

    • onBlur
    • onFocus
    • onKeyPress
    • onKeyDown
    • onKeyUp
    • autoFocus


    1. All these events accepts the triggerQuery as a second parameter which can be used to trigger the SearchBox query with the current selected value (useful to customize the search query execution).
    2. There is a known issue with onKeyPress when autosuggest is set to true. It is recommended to use onKeyDown for the consistency.
    style={{"paddingBottom": "10px"}}
        function(value, props) {
        return {
            query: {
                match: {
                    data_field: "this is a test"
        function(value) {
        // called before the value is set
        // returns a promise
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            // update state or component props
            // or reject()
        function(value) {
        console.log("current value: ", value)
        // set the state
        // use the value with other js code
        function(value, cause, source) {
        console.log("current value: ", value)
        function(prevQuery, nextQuery) {
        // use the query with other js code
        console.log('prevQuery', prevQuery);
        console.log('nextQuery', nextQuery);
    // specify how and which suggestions are filtered using `react` prop.
        "and": ["pricingFilter", "dateFilter"],
        "or": ["searchFilter"]


Type Optional
String Yes

CSS class to be injected on the component container.


Type Optional
Object Yes

CSS styles to be applied to the SearchBox component.


Type Optional
Function Yes

takes value and props as parameters and returns the data query to be applied to the component, as defined in Elasticsearch Query DSL. Note: customQuery is called on value changes in the SearchBox component as long as the component is a part of react dependency of at least one other component.


Type Optional
Function Yes

is a callback function that takes value and props as parameters and returns the data query to be applied to the source component, as defined in Elasticsearch Query DSL, which doesn't get leaked to other components. In simple words, defaultQuery prop allows you to modify the query to render the suggestions when autoSuggest is enabled. Read more about it here.


Type Optional
Function Yes

is a callback function which accepts component's future value as a parameter and returns a promise. It is called everytime before a component's value changes. The promise, if and when resolved, triggers the execution of the component's query and if rejected, kills the query execution. This method can act as a gatekeeper for query execution, since it only executes the query after the provided promise has been resolved.


If you're using Reactivesearch version >= 3.3.7, beforeValueChange can also be defined as a synchronous function. value is updated by default, unless you throw an Error to reject the update. For example:

beforeValueChange = value => {
    // The update is accepted by default
    if (value && value.toLowerCase().contains('Social')) {
        // To reject the update, throw an error
        throw Error('Search value should not contain social.');


Type Optional
Function Yes

is a callback function which accepts component's current value as a parameter. It is called everytime the component's value changes. This prop is handy in cases where you want to generate a side-effect on value selection. For example: You want to show a pop-up modal with the valid discount coupon code when a user searches for a product in a SearchBox.


Type Optional
Function Yes

is called with the value selected via user interaction. It works only with autosuggest and is called whenever a suggestion is selected or a search is performed by pressing enter key. It also passes the cause of action and the source object if the cause of action was 'SUGGESTION_SELECT'. The possible causes are:



Type Optional
Function Yes

is a callback function which accepts component's prevQuery and nextQuery as parameters. It is called everytime the component's query changes. This prop is handy in cases where you want to generate a side-effect whenever the component's query would change.


Type Optional
Object Yes

specify dependent components to reactively update SearchBox's suggestions.

  • key String one of and, or, not defines the combining clause.
    • and clause implies that the results will be filtered by matches from all of the associated component states.
    • or clause implies that the results will be filtered by matches from at least one of the associated component states.
    • not clause implies that the results will be filtered by an inverse match of the associated component states.
  • value String or Array or Object
    • String is used for specifying a single component by its componentId.
    • Array is used for specifying multiple components by their componentId.
    • Object is used for nesting other key clauses.


Type Optional
String Yes

The index prop can be used to explicitly specify an index to query against for this component. It is suitable for use-cases where you want to fetch results from more than one index in a single ReactiveSearch API request. The default value for the index is set to the app prop defined in the ReactiveBase component.


Type Optional
Array<string | number> Yes

A list of keyboard shortcuts that focus the search box. Accepts key names and key codes. Compatible with key combinations separated using '+'. Defaults to ['/'].

For example, if you want to focus the searchbox when pressing Shift and A together then you can pass ["SHIFT + A"]. The string is case-insensitive and space in-between is optional. You can also pass several shortcuts ["SHIFT+A", "SHIFT+B"].


Type Optional
Boolean Yes

Whether to display the information of focus shortcut inside the searchbox. Defaults to true.


Type Optional
Boolean Yes

Whether to display a footer with additional information at the bottom of suggestions. Defaults to true and shows information regarding navigation keys for the searchbox.


Type Optional
Function Yes

customize the footer displayed at the bottom of the suggestions using this render function.

    renderSuggestionsFooter={()=>(<div>Custom suggestion footer!</div>)}


Type Optional
boolean Yes

When set to true, search box is auto-focused on page load. Defaults to false.


Type Optional
`string JSX`

The HTML markup displayed before (on the left side of) the searchbox input field. Users can use it to render additional actions/ markup, eg: a custom search icon hiding the default.

        // ...other props


Type Optional
`string JSX`

The HTML markup displayed after (on the right side of) the searchbox input field. Users can use it to render additional actions/ markup, eg: a custom search icon hiding the default.

        // ... other props


Type Optional
boolean Yes

When set to false the width of suggestions dropdown container is limited to the width of searchbox input field. Defaults to true.

            <img  />
            <img  />
        // ... other props


Type Optional
boolean Yes

When set to true the dropdown is displayed on the initial render. Defaults to false.


Type Optional
boolean Yes

When set to true, the results would only be updated on press of the button. Defaults to false. You can also provide styles using the enter-button key in the innerClass prop.



Type Optional
Function Yes

renders a custom jsx markup for the enter button. Use in conjunction with enterButton prop set to true.

        renderEnterButton={clickHandler => (
                    height: '100%',
                    display: 'flex',
                    alignItems: 'stretch',
                <button style={{ border: '1px solid #c3c3c3' }} onClick={clickHandler}>
                    🔍 Search


Type Optional
Function Yes

to custom render tags when mode is set to tag.

Function param accepts an object with the following properties:

  • values: Array<String>

array of selected values.

  • handleClear: Function - (string) => void

function to clear a tag value. It accepts the tag value(String) as a parameter.

  • handleClearAll: Function - () => void

function to clear all selected values.

            values = [], 
            handleClearAll }) => {
                // return custom rendered tags 


SearchBox with default props

SearchBox with default props

SearchBox with FAQ suggestions

A Question answering app using featured suggestions and AI

Customize suggestions using innerClass

	    dataField={['original_title', '']}
            'section-label': 'section-label',
	    	'active-suggestion-item': 'active-test-suggestion',
	    	'suggestion-item': 'test-suggestion',

Inside your css file ->

.section-label {
	font-weight: 800;
	font-size: 14px;
	text-decoration: overline;

.active-test-suggestion {
	border-left: 6px solid #ffa000;
	background-color: #6629ea !important;
	border-radius: 4px;
	margin: 3px;

.test-suggestion {
	background-color: #f0e1e1 !important;
	border-radius: 4px;
	margin: 3px;

SearchBox with Pill-based UI

Combining Instant Search with Pill-based Suggestions can help users easily navigate through large datasets by providing a structured and intuitive way to explore data. The Pill-based Suggestions allow users to filter results based on specific criteria, such as category, location, date, etc. This can be particularly useful when dealing with complex data structures, where searching through large amounts of data can be time-consuming and overwhelming.

SearchBox with AI Answer

Combining Search with the power of AI makes for a high precision and high recall answer. The example shows how SearchBox component can be used to display an AI Answer.