Enrich your search data to add dynamic synonyms and context using OpenAI models with ReactiveSearch's CLI utility.

Example Scenario

Say we have a dataset of users where there is a field that contains the mood of the person. Let's say the name of the field is mood and it can contain a single word string, like happy, sad, flushed etc.

Let's say we want to be able to search on this field but we want to provide searching based on synonyms as well. For eg, if someone searches for unhappy, it should match sad and not happy however doing a direct text match in this case will return 0 results and doing a query will lead to happy being one of the results.

This is where metadata enrichment comes in. This script will take the word happy, generate synonyms for it and store it in a different field. Later on the search can be made on the field that contains the synonyms.

This works perfectly with the above example since getting synonyms for sad will probably contain unhappy or something similar and searching in the list of synonyms will give us a match leading to sad being one of the results and happy not being in the results

How it works

Data enrichment visualized

Data enrichment script uses OpenAI in order to fetch the synonyms. It iterates through all the existing data, generates the synonyms and injects them into the index. It also takes care of managing the mappings of the index.

Data Enrichment Script

Data Enrichment Script in action

Check out the script over here

To get started with the script, python3 should be installed.

Once python3 is installed and available, run the following command and the script will take care of the rest:

curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/appbaseio/ai-scripts/master/get-ai-script.py --output get-ai.py && python3 get-ai.py metadata