How does it work?

The SearchBase class holds the state for all the active components and can be used to provide the global configuration to the registered components, it serves the following tasks:

  • To register a component by unique id
  • To unregister a component by id
  • To retrieve the instance of the SearchComponent class by id
  • To provide an ability to define the watch registered components reactively with the help of the react prop


  1. The id property is a unique identifier to each search component.
  2. The SearchBase class is useful when you're using multiple components that depend on each other. For example, a filter component (to display the category options) depends on the search query (search component). If you're only using a single component then SearchComponent class should work well.


The constructor of SearchBase is called with the following properties:

const searchbase = new SearchBase(properties);


Configure environment

The following properties can be used to configure environment globally, i.e. for all registered components. You can also configure these properties for each Component as well.


Type Optional
string No

Refers to an index of Elasticsearch cluster.

Note: Multiple indexes can be connected to by specifying comma-separated index names.


Type Optional
string No

URL for the Elasticsearch cluster


Type Optional
string No

Basic Auth credentials if required for authentication purposes. It should be a string of the format username:password. If you are using an cluster, you will find credentials under the Security > API credentials section of the dashboard.


Type Optional
Object Yes

allows you to customize the analytics experience when is used as a backend. It accepts an object which has the following properties:

  • recordAnalytics Boolean allows recording search analytics (and click analytics) when set to true and is used as a backend. Defaults to false.
  • enableQueryRules Boolean If false, then will not apply the query rules on the search requests. Defaults to true.
  • enableSearchRelevancy Boolean defaults to true. It allows you to configure whether to apply the search relevancy or not.
  • userId string It allows you to define the user id to be used to record the analytics. Defaults to the client's IP address.
  • useCache Boolean This property when set allows you to cache the current search query. The useCache property takes precedence irrespective of whether caching is enabled or disabled via the dashboard.
  • customEvents Object It allows you to set the custom events which can be used to build your own analytics on top of analytics. Further, these events can be used to filter the analytics stats from the dashboard.
  • enableTelemetry Boolean When set to false, disable the telemetry. Defaults to true.

To configure the query execution

The following properties can be used to customize the query execution globally. It is also possible to configure those properties for each SearchComponent too.


Type Optional
Object Yes

set custom headers to be sent with each server request as key/value pairs. For example:

const searchbase = new SearchBase({
	index: 'gitxplore-app',
	url: '',
	credentials: 'a03a1cb71321:75b6603d-9456-4a5a-af6b-a487b309eb61',
	headers: {
		secret: 'searchbase-is-awesome',


Type Optional
(requestOptions: Object) => Promise<Object> Yes

Enables transformation of network request before execution. This function will give you the request object as the param and expect an updated request in return, for execution.
For example, we will add the credentials property in the request using transformRequest.

const searchbase = new SearchBase({
    index: 'gitxplore-app',
    url: '',
    credentials: 'a03a1cb71321:75b6603d-9456-4a5a-af6b-a487b309eb61',
    transformRequest: request =>
            credentials: include,


Type Optional
(response: any) => Promise<any> Yes

Enables transformation of search network response before rendering it. It is an asynchronous function which will accept an Elasticsearch response object as param and is expected to return an updated response as the return value.
For example:

const searchbase = new SearchBase({
	index: 'gitxplore-app',
	url: '',
	credentials: 'a03a1cb71321:75b6603d-9456-4a5a-af6b-a487b309eb61',
	transformResponse: async elasticsearchResponse => {
		const ids = => item._id);
		const extraInformation = await getExtraInformation(ids);
		const hits = => {
			const extraInformationItem = extraInformation.find(
				otherItem => otherItem._id === item._id,
			return {

		return {
			hits: {


transformResponse function is expected to return data in the following structure.

        // Elasticsearch hits response
        hits: {
            hits: [...],
            total: 100
        // Elasticsearch aggregations response
        aggregations: {

        took: 1

An example with all properties

const searchbase = new SearchBase({
    index: "gitxplore-app",
    url: "",
    credentials: "a03a1cb71321:75b6603d-9456-4a5a-af6b-a487b309eb61",
    appbaseConfig: {
        recordAnalytics: true,
        enableQueryRules: true,
        userId: '[email protected]',
        customEvents: {
            platform: "ios",
            device: "iphoneX"
    headers: {
        secret: "searchbase-is-awesome",
    transformRequest: (request) => Promise.resolve({
        credentials: "true"
    transformResponse: response => Promise.resolve({
        hits: {
            hits: [
                    _id: "promoted",
                    _source: {
                        original_title: "Harry potter and the cursed child"



register(id: string, component: SearchComponent | Object): SearchComponent

This method can be used to register a search component with a unique id. It returns the instance of the SearchComponent class for that particular search component. The second param can be an instance of the SearchComponent class or an object to configure the properties of the SearchComponent class.

The following example registers a component with the second param as an object

const searchBase = new SearchBase({
	index: 'gitxplore-app',
	url: '',
	credentials: 'a03a1cb71321:75b6603d-9456-4a5a-af6b-a487b309eb61',

searchBase.register('search-component', {
	dataField: ['title', 'description'],
	value: '',

The following example registers a component with second param as an instance of SearchComponent class.

const searchBase = new SearchBase({
	index: 'gitxplore-app',
	url: '',
	credentials: 'a03a1cb71321:75b6603d-9456-4a5a-af6b-a487b309eb61',

const searchComponent = new SearchComponent({
	id: 'search-component',
	index: 'gitxplore-app',
	url: '',
	credentials: 'a03a1cb71321:75b6603d-9456-4a5a-af6b-a487b309eb61',
	dataField: ['title', 'description'],
	value: '',

searchBase.register('search-component', searchComponent);

Additionally, you can override the global configurations by defining it for a particular component. For example, to register a component with a different index name.

const searchBase = new SearchBase({
	index: 'gitxplore-app',
	url: '',
	credentials: 'a03a1cb71321:75b6603d-9456-4a5a-af6b-a487b309eb61',

searchBase.register('search-component', {
    index: 'gitxplore-app-2',
	dataField: ['title', 'description'],
	value: '',


unregister(id: string): void

This method is useful to unregister a component by id. It is a good practice to unregister (remove) an unmounted/unused component to avoid any side-effects.


getComponent(id: string): SearchComponent

This method can be used to retrieve the instance of the SearchComponent class for a particular component by id.


getComponents(): { [key: string]: SearchComponent }

This method returns all the active components registered on the SearchBase instance. The components state can be used for various purposes, for example, to display the selected filters in the UI.